Ladybird Preschool Ltd
We are a community pre-school offering places for children up to 11 years
Ladybird Preschool Ltd
We are a community pre-school offering places for children up to 11 years

Ladybird Preschool Ltd
Ladybird Preschool Ltd
Ladybird Preschool believes in supporting the growth and development of each child as a unique individual. We believe in providing a nurturing, safe, and inclusive environment that fosters creativity, curiosity, and a love for learning.
Our curriculum at Ladybird Preschool is designed to meet the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs of each child. We offer a play-based approach that encourages exploration, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
At Ladybird Preschool we are dedicated professionals who are passionate about working with children. We are trained in child development and early childhood education and are committed to providing a high-quality learning experience for your child.
View or download each settings latest OFSTED reports, find out how to contact them and policies and procedures.
Each setting operates different hours and offers different services. Here are the price lists.
Find out more information about our setting, the services we offer. Plus a photo Gallery
Dates for the dairy, from photographer to dress up days. All the dates to remember in one place.
Our Didcot setting only offers a holiday club through the half terms. Here you will find more information.
All you need to know about funding eligibility, how to apply and what you need to provide to us as the setting when your child is with us.
How we support Communication and Language, our favourite books and songs and information about our Lending Library.
Newsletters and important information. Extend your child's learning at home with activity ideas, recipes, websites and more.
Some useful information to help prepare your child for school.
Documents and websites for more information about all topic covered throughout the website.
Safeguarding is paramount and everyone's responsibilities. Here is some information and some helpful documents.
Our contact details, (including our postcode) with a form to fill in to easily contact us.
Copyright © 2021 Ladybird Preschool - All Rights Reserved.
Registered charity number - 1098690
Company number - 4531247
ofsted registration number - EY245317